Class PositionZRule

  extended by pedviz.view.rules.Rule
      extended by pedviz.view.rules.PositionZRule

public class PositionZRule
extends Rule

This rule can be used for changing the color, dependent on the position on the Z-axis. It's very helpful, if you want to give each wall a different color in the GraphView3D.

lukas forer

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class pedviz.view.rules.Rule
Constructor Summary
PositionZRule(float valueZ, java.awt.Color color)
          Constructs the Rule with given position on the Z-axis and color.
Method Summary
 void applyRule(NodeView nodeview)
          Override this method, with it you get the NodeView and can adapt it.
Methods inherited from class pedviz.view.rules.Rule
getMode, isEnabled, setEnabled, setMode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PositionZRule(float valueZ,
                     java.awt.Color color)
Constructs the Rule with given position on the Z-axis and color.

valueZ - position on the Z-axis
color -
Method Detail


public void applyRule(NodeView nodeview)
Description copied from class: Rule
Override this method, with it you get the NodeView and can adapt it. The class NodeView provides the method getNode() for getting a reference to the Node. *

Specified by:
applyRule in class Rule