Package pedviz.algorithms

Provides differnt graph algorithms for the class graph.Graph.


Interface Summary
Algorithm Implementations of this interface represent a graph algorithm.
HierarchieBuilder Implementations of this interface represent an algorithm, which assigns every node a layer.

Class Summary
ErrorChecking The integrated method identifies the following basic errors: INVALID_SEX_DAD, INVALID_SEX_MOM, MISSING_DAD, MISSING_MOM, MULTI_PEDIGREES, SINGLETON.
FamilySplitter This algorithm splits the given Graph object in single families.
GraphError Represents an error in a graph Object.
GraphRepair The automatic repair method fixes problems by changing the sex or adding virtual individuals (ID starts with ##).
HierarchieUpDown This algorithm runs through the graph from top to bottom and assigns every node a layer.
Highlighter This class provides some generally useful methods for finding parents and children by a given node and checking if exists a path between two nodes.
RubberBands This class implements the RubberBands algorithm.
SameParents This class clusters all nodes with the same parents.
Sugiyama This class combines all steps that are necessary to create a layout for a Graph object.

Package pedviz.algorithms Description

Provides differnt graph algorithms for the class graph.Graph.